I have some work in Monsters Marks. I hope you can check it out.
I'm also in the a group exhibition titled A World Away in Jackson, Mississippi and you can read about it here!

Art Museum of the University of Memphis (AMUM) / 3750 Norriswood Ave., 142 Communications and Fine Arts Bldg.March 25 - July 28th (Reception: March 25 3:00pm - 6:00pm)
Awe-inspiring, thought-provoking, and sometimes disturbing, works featured from Memphis collections make us think about how we define monsters. To commemorate MLK50, a selection of works shows how contemporary artists use monstrosity to explore ideas and emotions relating to race and racism.
Curator: Sherry CM Lindquist, Dorothy Kayser Hohenberg, Chair of Excellence in Art History
AMUM is open 9am-5pm, Mon-Sat except on official university holidays.
Image: Greely Myatt, Study for Monster Marks, 2018
#MonstersMarks #artexhibition #rogerallancleaves #rogercleavesart #art #painting #GreelyMyatt #memphis #tennessee #abstractart #creative #contemporaryart #contemporary #monsters #race #artandrace #socialart #musuem #Amum #memphismusuem #artcollectors #announcements #memphis.edu #SherryLindquist #DorothyKayserHohenberg #UniversityofMemphis #artblog #contemporarypainting #art21